Entertaining idea

June 25th, 2011

At a recent professional organization meeting, members told stories about the most creative and meaningful way another member had supported them. I was struck by one story that illustrates how a very simple gesture can make all the difference.

The member cited a dinner party a consultant had organized at her home when she learned her client was in career transition. She invited people who could give advice, provide ideas, and brainstorm about companies that could be interested in her background. The recipient of this wonderful gift left that party feeling hope and inspiration that carried her through a tough search and eventual resolution. She will never forget the caring and support she received. Of course the by product for the consultant was increased client loyalty as well as the satisfaction that she had truly helped a business friend significantly.

Such a simple act. Nothing substitutes for personal contact!

Now magazine and product marketers are capitalizing on in person social networking. A recent article in the New York Times talks about events that are sponsored by Kiwi and Redbook magazines to nurture both readers and advertisers. These at-home parties for young mothers and “girls only” during which they sample products and receive coupons.

Reminds me of the Welcome Wagon, Avon Representative and Tupperware parties in the 1970’s! They were fun and very profitable for the host. But more than that, great friendships, cooperative babysitting arrangements, idea swapping and much needed loving support emerged from the get togethers.

Neuropsychologists tell us that the most significant factor in wellbeing is not achievement, but social support systems.

Have a party!

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