Get Energized

February 26th, 2010

Need a career lift?  Try this:

Every day for two weeks (weekdays and weekends) list:

What you find satisfying that you want to do more of.  Note what makes it enjoyable or meaningful to you.

What you dislike and would like to do less of or stop doing.

What prevents you from doing what satisfies you.

What distracts or derails you.

Your day dreams.

After you have compiled this information, review it (perhaps with a career consultant or friend). Look for patterns of interests, your unrealized desires and the experiences and relationships you would like to diminish.

With your list in mind, you may find you can alter your present job or non-work life to make room for more positive activities or even build a new direction.

Want more ideas?  Go to or Amazon and pick up a copy of The Portable Executive: High End Career Management.

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